Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pitch My Idea: ASL style

Today, I really enjoyed the ASL Club gospel forum. I enjoyed the talk, by Robert, about embracing, comforting, Serving, and loving.  I am happy that I was able to understand most words signed and follow the meaning quite well. I participated in the discussion, though I wish more people would have been brave enough to sign. I felt bad for Robert that only a select few were answering questions. It not only hurt the teacher but also the students who are not participating. However, I also understand that most of the students were from the beginning ASL class. I was starting the ASL 102 class, which is the second class.

After the meeting I tried to talk to as many people as possible and make friends. Then most of the hearing people left and I talked to Robert, Jin, Cory, and Lynda Park about my ASL Club logo ideas. I used sign language to communicate my idea. I showed them that I would have a picture of two eyes. Inside the first eye would be the hand signs for ASL. Inside the second eye would be the finger-spelled signs for club. I’m glad they liked my idea and I hope I can find a way to make it look aesthetically pleasing and communicate the idea effectively. Sister Park told me "you are so Deaf,” because I stayed after to talk like Deaf people usually do. In Deaf Culture, social interaction is highly regarded so people will stay a long time after events just to talk. It was one of the sweetest compliments I have ever heard (and yes she spoke it, she is hearing and her husband is deaf. Their two children are CODAs or a Child Of a Deaf Adult). 

Now that I have the idea approved I can begin making the first draft.

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